
Showing posts from December, 2024

Start typing away

Nam Mo A Di Da Phat Typing

90 day journey out of 1 million men

Extra days to add to clock: example: 0 if you're on first day. Progress: Debug:

Virtual Pick-3 VLT Game

Virtual Pick-3 Spin Game for Fictional Carrots Virtual Pick 3 Spin Game This game is for Entertainment Purposes Only (Carrots are purely fictional) Instructions: 1. Click Spin to Play (costs 1 carrot). 2. Match single Digit in the same position wins 3 carrots x win streak. 3. Match 2 Digits in the same position wins 37 carrots x win streak. 3. Match all Digits in same position wins 700 carrots x win streak. Enter #  Random Your # Draw # 000 Spin        Auto Spin              Your Carrots 1000 Win Amount 0 Max Amount 0 Win Streak 0 Max Streak 0 Total Spins 0 Win Hist.

Image to Cross-Stitch Pattern - Sullivans Threads

Image to Cross-Stitch Pattern (Sullivans) Image to Cross-stitch Pattern (for Sullivans threads) 1. Load Image from PC Load from PC: 2. Resize with horizontal stitches Horizontal Stitches: Smoothing 3. Number of Colors to Reduce To Reduce or Skip: Reduce Colors Skip Color Reduction Colors (Between 2 and 256): Reduce Color Match Method: Perceptive Regular Delta-E 4. Colors To Sullivans Colors Sullivans Color Match Method: Perceptive Regular Delta-E Use: Pure Sullivans Blend 50/50 5. Toggle options/Thread Info 6. Save PDFs Save/Print Thread Info (PDF) Save Pattern (PDF)

Image to Cross-Stitch Pattern - JP-Coats Threads

Image to Cross-Stitch Pattern (JP-Coats) Image to Cross-stitch Pattern (for JPCoats threads) 1. Load Image from PC Load from PC: 2. Resize with horizontal stitches Horizontal Stitches: Smoothing 3. Number of Colors to Reduce To Reduce or Skip: Reduce Colors Skip Color Reduction Colors (Between 2 and 256): Reduce Color Match Method: Perceptive Regular Delta-E 4. Colors To JPCoats Colors JPCoats Color Match Method: Perceptive Regular Delta-E Use: Pure JPCoats Blend 50/50 5. Toggle options/Thread Info 6. Save PDFs Save/Print Thread Info (PDF) Save Pattern (PDF)