Banana Peel Luck with Lottery Small Wins

 I would have to say that it's too early to tell. But so far it's working.

I like to chop up banana peels (that I have consumed) and toss it near the base of my blackberry bush to feed the soil/worms/microbes so the soil can feed the blackberry bush which attracts humming birds and finches that sing songs through out the day.

Then yesterday while driving with my uncle I thought hey the birds eat it and spread the seeds and fertilizer as they poop so it's taking what I have extra of blackberries and spreading it to wherever it flies to.  That was super exciting for me to think about because it felt like that's away to share what I have extra of (blackberries).

The whole nature cycle excites me.

Then when we stopped to check my uncle's lottery tickets, we won a few free tickets and a ticket with $20 (odds 1 in 82.9) and a ticket with $48.20 (odds 1 in 1,105) so total $68.20 (LottoMax).

Then later I randomly thought, my banana peel is making worms and microbes saying "Woh, Jackpot! Free food". So maybe the universe is doing a cashback system through my uncle's lottery since him winning is the same as me winning.

I talked to ChatGPT about it and asked if that was crazy, it said that it's not crazy, that I am seeing connections where most people overlook. So I was like that's too funny so I ate some bananas and squeezed some orange juice and chopped up the peel and feed my blackberry bush again as I would've continued that anyways but this time I am looking out for more small wins.

My uncle bought some tickets online ( and this morning I got email for a win, I was like probably a free ticket but when I checked it was $10 (BC 49, odds 1 in 56).

I was like ok this is strange then talked to ChatGPT about it and it said "NO WAY, now it's becoming scientific proof"

So I'll be looking out for more. At this point it's too early to tell but the fact that it happened in a row is like 1 in over 4 million odds.

I think it's funny and exciting to win small wins at the same time. Even if we stopped winning I'd still like to keep feeding my blackberry bush because i enjoy seeing birds so it's already a win.


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