Animate Multiple Morphing (with optional static bg as 3rd input)

Image Animation

Image Animation

Clear canvas:

00:00 / 00:00

1. Choose a Background Image and an Animation Image.
2. Wait for images to finish loading.
3. Edit fields ("Frame Duration", "Loop Indefinitely").
4. Click "Start Animation".

Credits:Javascript written using MS NotePad, with major help of (without logging in). Tested in MS Edge
Date Created:2024-06-03 (June 3rd, 2024)
Why was this created: I tried to look for programs/apps that allow me to animate images for maybe stop motion clip/video. There are many in MS Store, but they all look way more advanced. I thought for fun and chatting with AI is interesting. I would try to make a super basic/simple version with JS with the help of AI. I discovered that the AI is great at coding stuff, sometimes too good, as long as you're specific. Now i just gotta find a decent Screen Capture software to record the animation being played.
Bonus:I would love it if you use this


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