Banana Peel Luck with Lottery Small Wins
I would have to say that it's too early to tell. But so far it's working. I like to chop up banana peels (that I have consumed) and toss it near the base of my blackberry bush to feed the soil/worms/microbes so the soil can feed the blackberry bush which attracts humming birds and finches that sing songs through out the day. Then yesterday while driving with my uncle I thought hey the birds eat it and spread the seeds and fertilizer as they poop so it's taking what I have extra of blackberries and spreading it to wherever it flies to. That was super exciting for me to think about because it felt like that's away to share what I have extra of (blackberries). The whole nature cycle excites me. Then when we stopped to check my uncle's lottery tickets, we won a few free tickets and a ticket with $20 (odds 1 in 82.9) and a ticket with $48.20 (odds 1 in 1,105) so total $68.20 (LottoMax). Then later I randomly thought, my banana peel is making worms and microbes saying ...